A Compact 5-Week Nervous System Centered Online Program To Help You Rest

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Will you be able to run this pace at work for another 5 years?

Can you afford to not know how to rest efficiently?

Do you lie awake in bed, after a stressful work day, unable to get off the thought speed train?

There’s nothing wrong with you, we simply didn’t learn how to properly switch between activation and relaxation.

It’s not part of education an in many families rest and recovery is also something unknown. That’s why we stay stuck in alert mode, which doesn’t allow us to fully unwind. And that gets us feeling agitated, overwhelmed, stressed out and depressed until it becomes part of our identity.

Being available 24/7 is one of the biggest obstacles in living a healthy and fulfilled life.

We take lots of pride in the fact that other people want and need us, too. Doing less, staring out the window or simply walking slower are things that instantly have us feel guilty, fearful or ashamed. This program is not made to trigger you and then leave you all alone. I’m here to support you taking small steps, to not underwhelm your system with a slower, unfamiliar pace as well as showing you the way out of these thoughts into an empowered, healthy relationship with yourself and the clock.


“But I tried slowing down, it just makes me lazy.”

Slowing down can have you feel like losing grid in your life. I’ve been there it feels scary and wrong. The thing is that in our corporate and startup worlds we believe that going faster non-stop is the way to the top, while if you’ve ever talked to world class athletes, each of them would tell you about how important recovery is for their best shot, run or game.

But often these two worlds don’t interact and the corporate athlete never learns how to recover deeply to then reach these heights of excellence over and over again. This program is made for people that love to give their best and want to learn how to perform on that level not only for a few months or year but for decades.

You don’t have to change your life completely. In fact, please don’t.